

Monday, 29 June 2015

Narain Public School, Sanour Road, Patiala


Headmistress  (for junior school ) (M.A. / M.Sc., B.Ed.)

PGT Maths   (M.Sc., B.Ed.)

PGT English (M.A., B.Ed.)

TGT Hindi (M.A., B.Ed.)

Candidate having excellent fluency in English should attend interview with curriculum vitae and a passport size photograh on 03-07-2015 between 10.30 am to 12 pm at School.

Shri Guru Teg Bahadur College for Women, Vill. Harigarh, Nabha

Shri Guru Teg Bahadur College for Women, Vill. Harigarh, P.O. Galwati, Teh.  Nabha. Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Applications are invited for the regular post of Principal. Qualifications and pay scale according to UGC/Pbi. Uni/Pb. Govt. Norms Apply within 21 days. Secretary. 099153-43809.

Advertisement on 30 June 2015.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

DAV UNIVERSITY, Jalandhar (Punjab)


Professors :   CSE, Mechancial Engg., Civil Engg, CSA, Management, Maths

Associate Professors  :  CSE, Civil Engineering, Electirical Engineering, ECE, CSA, Chemistry, Mathematics, Commerce, Agriculture, Physics.

Assistant Professors :  ECE, Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg. , Civil Engg, Chemistry (Inorganic,       
                                       Physical), Zoology, Economics, Computer Applications, Physical Education, 
                                       Jounalism & Mass Communication.

Please visit for application form , eligibility, pay scales, last date of application and other details.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Govt. PG. College, Gohana (Sonipat)

Computer Course / Training in Chandigarh

Army Institute of Law, Mohali


Thapar Polytechnic College, Patiala

Surya Convent Senior Secondary School, Dharamkot, Moga

Teachers for English and Science are  required at Surya Convent Senior Secondary School (Affiliated to CBSE), Dharamkot, District Moga.

 Accomodation or Bus fare will be provided to outsiders. 98154-80855.

Advertisement on 27-june-2015

Govt. Senior Secondary School, Moonak

With the Kind Co-operation of Social Activists require experienced, well qualified teacher for teaching Science subjects in the Govt. Senior Secondary School, Moonak, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.). Contact 94175-88167, 01676-276449.

Advertisement on 27-june-2015.

Ielts Trainer, Sangrur

Urgently required IELTS Trainer, Receptionist (Female), success consultants,

Sangrur, 2nd floor, Opposite Kaula Park, Bus Stand Road, Sangrur.

 Email: 70875-96513, 88728-38422.

Advertisement on 27 June 2015

Alpine Public School, Patiala

Alpine Public School , Patiala Road, Bhadson, Urgently requires female

TGT: English / S.St. Conveyance from Sanour Road, Patiala. 94634-23927, 73071-52359

Advertisement on 27 june 2015

Modern Institute of Education and Training Bir Kalan (Sangrur)

Modern Institute of Education and Training Bir Kalan (Sangrur) Affiliated to SCERT Punjab & approved by NCTE. Required Staff & approved by NCTE.
Required Staff for D.EI. Ed. (E.T.T) HOD (Pay scale 15600-39100-6600).

Lecturer foundations of Educations,
Lecturer Science,
Lecture Humanties & Social Science,
Lecturer Mathematics,
Lecturers Languages,

Lecturer Fine Arts/Performing Arts,
Lecturer Healt and Physical Education (Pay Scale 10300-34800-5400),
Librarian (Pay scale 5000-8100-4400),

Qualification as per norma of SCERT Punjab, NCTE, Pb. govt. apply with in 15 days with recent photo, resume, Send copies of testimonials to the Chairman, Modern Institute of Education & Training , Bir Kalan (Sangrur) By Registered Post. 92162-41

Advertisement on 27-June-2015

Modern College of Education Bir Kalan (Sangrur)

Modern College of Education Bir Kalan (Sangrur) Affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala & Approved by NCTE.
Required Assistant Professors, Regular/Adhoc basis in Education,
specialization for teaching of perspectives in
Education/Foundation course (Philosophy/ Psychology/Sociology),
Pedagogy (Commerce/Science/Computer/Mathematics/ Social Sciences/Languages).
Health and physical education.
Fine Art and Performing Arts (Music/Dance/Theatre)

Salary & Qualfication as per norms of Punjabi Uni. Patiala, UGC, NCTE, Pb. Govt. Apply with in 15 days with recent photo, resume & send copies of testimonials to the Chairman, Modern college of Education, Bir Kalan (Sangrur) by Registered Post & One Copy to Dean Colleges, Punjabi Uni. Patiala. 92162-41350.

Advertise on 27 June 2015

Modern College, Bir Kalan(Sangrur)

Modern College, Bir Kalan (Sangrur), Affiliated to Punjabi University Patiala (Co-Education). Required
Assistant Professors :-

Punjabi ------1
English ------3
History ------1
Math --------1
Computer Sci. ----3
Fashion Designing-----1
Socialogy -------------1

On regular/adhoc basis. Salary & qualification as per norms of Punjabi Univ. Patiala, Pb. Govt. & UGC. Apply with in 15 days with recent photo, resume & send copied of testimonials to the Chairman, Modern College, Bir Kalan (Sangrur) by registered post & one copy to Dean Colleges, Punjabi Univ. Patiala, 92168-41350.

Advertisment on 27-June-2015

College, Samana

Required Principal/ Teachers for new College, opening at Samana, Distt. Patiala (Punjab) in subjects of
Physical Education,

Only NET qualified needs to apply. Send your resume: also send hard copy of your resume & documents : Dean, College Devleopement,  Punjabi University, Patiala & Dr. Johri Multispecialty Hospital , near Police Chownki, Samana, District Patiala. Pin Code 147101. Contact 088720-14610

Advertisement on 27-June-2015

Mount Litera Zee School, Panchkula

Mount Litera Zee School, Panchkula Required
English (TGT),
Science (TGT),
Computer Techer,

Send resume :

Advertisement on 27-June-2015

Yadavindra Public School, Patiala

Required Computer Teacher cum Assistant for the school website management and Software Programming.

Essential  Qualification : Post Graduate adn Trained in, PHP and Desktop Applications .
Apply within 10 days at. or   Fax 0175-2213060

Advertisement on 27 June 2015

School Map

Patiala Gas Centre, Patiala

Office Assistant with good Compute Knowledge, Part time Accountant with knowledge of Tally. Mechanic with own conveyance to do safety inspections at consumers houses.
Godown keeper to handle stock.
 Patiala Gas Centre, Patiala 085560-02040,

Advertisement on 27-june-2015

Ekantik Coaching Centre, Chhotti Baradari, Patiala

Required English Teachers with good communication skill, Salary 12000 pm.
Send your resume with photograph at  
Ekantik Coaching Centre, Chhotti Baradari, Patiala, Ph. 2304130, 89689-20131.

Advertisment on 27 Sun 2015

Accountant in Chandigarh

Urgently required an Accountant B.Com experienced for MNC , SCO 841, Sector 22-A, Chandigarh.
Advertisment on 27 june 2015.

Shri Usha Mata Public School, Nabha

Shri Usha Mata Public School (A Senior Secondary , CBSE Affiliated) Dulladi Gate, Nabha, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Email :, 92572-70572, 82880-01266 urgently required qualified & experienced
PGT :- Physical Education,
TGT:- English/S.St
with deep Knowledge of concern subject and fluency in spoken English, salary as per merit of candidates. Walk in interview on 30.06.2015 at 2.00 Pm at school campus.

Sparkling Kids: The Foundation , Patran

Sparkling Kids: The Foundation , Patran requires

PGT:- Commerce, History,

TGT:- English, S.St. (Geography), Physical Instructure, Primary and NTTs.

Salary best in the area . Contact : 98886-88718, 98728-91523 for interview.

Advertisement on 27 June 2015.

Candor Institute of Distance Education service provider of Lovely Professional University, Patiala

Candor Institute of Distance Education service provider of Lovely Professional University

 invites applications for the post of

Centre Manager (MBA),
Faculty in Management (MBA),
Computer Application (MCA/B.Tech) &
Marketing Officer.

For interview visit at SCO: 19, 2nd Floor, City Centre, Near 22 No. Advertisement on 24 june 2015. Phatak, Patiala. 98883-00037,

Longowal Polytechnic College, Derabassi

Longowal Polytechnic College, Derabassi invites applications for the follwoing posts within 5 days

1) Sr. Lecturer/Lecturer - ECE, CSE, ME, EE, Civil Engg. (M.Tech. B.Tech)).

2.) Sr. Lecturer/Lecturer - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (M.Sc.), English (MA).

 Application must include Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Bio Data, PP size Photo, Photocopies of qualification documents. (M):- 99150-00082

Advertisement on 27 June 2015

Mata Gujri Sen. Sec. School , Devigarh

Requires at Mata Gujri Sen. Sec. School Devigarh (CBSE Affiliated) Day cum Boarding.

PGT:- English, Chemistry, Biology, Punjabi, Physical Education.

TGT/PRT-English,  Science, S.St & Receptionist.

Fluency is must. Salary negotiable. Free Transport from Patiala.


Interview on 30.06.2015 at 9.00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact :- 94178-73648. 97815-16070

GCM Convent School Patran

GCM Convent School, Patran, required Teachers

Mother Teacher,

Salary 15000-25000 /- Intreview 28th June 2015, Hotel Flyover, Patiala, timing 9.00am to 5.00pm. Conveyance from Patiala.
Contact: 87250-37303, 97812-61999.

Web Developer, Chandigarh

Urgently required PHP, Business Developer, Designer with Experience.,
MWC Technology. SCO 80-82, 34-A, Chandigarh. 98885-5253333.

Advertisement on 27 June 2015.

School, Patiala

Required Teachers and Partner for branded Pre-School in Patiala.
 Also requried IELTS Teachers. Contact 98727-02487.

Advertisement on 27 June 2015


Immediately requires experienced driver
having valid license for school van in Kharar.
 Contact :- 9888904566, 8968683377

Advertisement on 27 June 2015

SSA/RMSA Distt. Kangra

National Institute of Electronics and Information technology.

Thapar Polytechnic College, Patiala

Friday, 26 June 2015

Khalsa College, Badungar Road, Patiala


Tata Photon

Tata Photon required Technical Support
 Excutives/Telecallers (12th, B.Tech, BCA, Graduates),
Salary 12000- 25000. Aneja's, SCF 76, Phase Eleven, Mohali 9041420239.

Advertisement on 24 june 2015. 


Indusind, Axis, HDFC requires Graduate candidates for Tricity.
 Salary 10,000 - 20000. Contact 7876787976

Advertisement on 24 June 2015.


Wedding Planner Group Chandigarh requires staff having experience all level, DJ, Photographer, Caterer, Flower Decoratiors. 98727-44444

Advertisement on 24 June 2015

Akal Academies

Teachers required for Akal Academies, for
Maths and

around Sunam , Sangrur and for all District of Punjab.
Fluency in English is must. Transport & hostel facility available.
Fresher's and non-B.Ed. Candidates may also apply. Eligibility : Graduation (in any stream),
Salary : 7000 to 15000.  

Walk in interview & test : H.R. Department, Akal Dhudial Academy, Old Bishan Nagar, Street No. 4, near Shiv Mandir, Patiala on 30.06.2015 (Tuesday), 9 am - 12 pm. 9872018459.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Sukhmani Society for Citizen Services, Ludhiana


Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib-140407

Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Banur

KVM School, Pai (Kaithal)

KVM School , Pai (Kaithal), requires expert Techers in


Send Resume or contact 086071-81003.
Walk in Interview on 27/28 June. Free accommodation for outsiders.

Guru Teg Bahadur College of Education Lehal Khurd, (Sangrur)

Guru Teg Bahadur College of Education Lehal Khurd, (Sangrur), Wanted the following Asstt. Professors with NCTE/UGC/Punjabi University Patiala qualification and grade.
Teaching of
Social Studies,
Physical Education,
Fine Art,
Pol. Science,

(One each).

Apply within 15 days with a copy a Dean Colleges Punjabi University, Patiala. Chairman.

Advertisement on 23-June-2015

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Guru Nanak College of Education, Lehal Khurd, Lehragaga (Sangrur)

Guru Nanak College of Education, Lehal Khurd, Lehragaga (Sangrur) Wanted the following Asstt. Professors with NCTE/UGC/Punjabi University Patiala qualifications and grade Teaching of
Social Studies,
Physical Educaiton,
Fine Art,
Pol. Science,
                    (one each). 

Apply within 15 days with a copy to Dean, Colleges Punjabi University, Patiala. Chairman.

Advertisement on 22 June 2015


A leading Punjabi Newspaper at Patiala requires
English Stenographer (Retired) for part time and Young educated boys for tour job.

Contact : 92167-02311, 0175-5061963

Advertisement on 22 June 2015



Sant Baba Attar Singh Khalsa College, Sandaur (Sangrur)

Desh Bhagat College of Education, Bardwal, Dhuri.

SVIET(Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutes), Banur

Ganga International School, Khanori

The Punjab Public School, Nabha

Candor Institute of Distance

Candor Institute of Distance Education service provider of Lovely Professional University

 invites applications for the post of

Centre Manager (MBA),
Faculty in Management (MBA),
Computer Application (MCA/B.Tech) &
Marketing Officer.

For interview visit at SCO: 19, 2nd Floor, City Centre, Near 22 No. Advertisement on 24 june 2015. Phatak, Patiala. 98883-00037,

GCM Convent School , Patran

GCM Convent School, Patran, required Teachers

Mother Teacher,

Salary 15000-25000 /- Intreview 28th June 2015, Hotel Flyover, Patiala, timing 9.00am to 5.00pm. Conveyance from Patiala.
Contact: 87250-37303, 97812-61999.

Trident Company

Call Centre, Chandigarh

Free Joining-hiring customer support for top BPO's good communication skills, Chandigarh/Delhi. 10000-25000 + cab, 99885-46722

Sant Isher Singh Ji Gurmat Academy, Chappar, near Bahadurgarh,

Sant Isher Singh Ji Gurmat Academy, Chappar, near Bahadurgarh, requires Teachers for
Maths & Science    :   M.Sc/ B.Sc. B.Ed., Gurmat Teacher.
Games                    :   B.PED/ M.P.Ed.

Free Bus from Patiala. Salary negotiable,
Venue : School Campus, Interview on 28.06.2015 (Sunday). 9.00 am to 12 'O' noon.
 Contact 98148-15396, 87290-02415

L.A.D.M. D.A.V. Sr. Sec. Public School.

Mata Gujri Sen.Sec. School, Devigarh

Requires at Mata Gujri Sen. Sec. School Devigarh (CBSE Affiliated) Day cum Boarding.

PGT:- English, Chemistry, Biology, Punjabi, Physical Education.

TGT/PRT-English,  Science, S.St & Receptionist.

Fluency is must. Salary negotiable. Free Transport from Patiala.


Interview on 30.06.2015 at 9.00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact :- 94178-73648. 97815-16070

Pro-Ace Academy, Patiala

Required Faculty in


for Patiala office. Interview 24th to 26th June 2015.
Contact : Pro-Ace Academy, Leela Bhawan, Patiala. 78371-12184

KVM School, Pai (Kaithal)

KVM School, Pai (Kaithal) , requires expert Teachers in

Send resume or contact 086071-81003.

Walk in Interview on 27, 28 June 2015. Free accomodation for outsiders.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

DAV Senior Secondary Public School, Lehragaga, Sangrur

Required PGT English, Chemistry, Biology, Hindi and Incharge Teacher for Pre-Primary class. Dr. Dev Raj D.A.V Senior Secondary Public School, Lehragaga, Sangrur (Punjab).
Contact 09041984516, 0941727272324. Advertisement on 20 June 2015.

New College in Samana

Required Teachers for New College opening at Samana Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Preferably NET qualified History, English, Maths, Physical Education.
Qualification as per UGC/Punjabi University norms.
Send your resume at : .  08872014610 . Advertisement on 20 june 2015.

Rayat Institute of Management (Ropar Campus)

Akal Academy Habri (Kaithal)

Interview on 24 june 2015

Sri Dashmesh Public Senior Secondary School, Patiala

Sri Dashmesh Public Senior Secondary School, 1-Dhillon Marg, Model Town, Patiala

Requires qualified English Teachers (Convent background preferred ).
Attractive salary .
Send your resume within 7 days from the date of advertisement. Advertisement on 20 june 2015.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Make the wise choice

Handle negative charge at workplace

Do's & don'ts of choosing an IT Training Course

Monday, 15 June 2015

Maghi Memorial College for Women, Amloh 147203 (Fatehgarh sahib)

DAV Centenary Public School , Nabha

D.M. Collegiate Sen. Sec. School, Moga

DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha

DAV Centenary Public School, (Senior Secondary), Opp. Army Cinema, Dulladi Gate, Nabha-147201. (Run by DAV CMC, New Delhi),
Requires trained, experienced, Computer Literate, qualified staff with good communicatin skills, on regular/adhoc/contractual basis.

TGT:- English, Science, Social Science.
PRT:- English, Punjabi, S.St., PET (Female), Art & Craft , Science, Activity Teacher & all subjects.
Qualification and experience as per CBSE rules. Submit handwritten application with attested documents and latest passport photograph by post only within 10 days. After screening only shortlisted candidates will be called for preliminary / interview.
Note : CTET/State TET qualified candidates will be preferred.
Advertisement on 16 June 2015.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Alpine Public School, Patiala

Alpine Public School, Patiala road Bhadson,
Urgently requires Female TGT, English , S.St.
Conveyance from sanour road, Patiala. 94634-23927
Advertisement on 13 june 2015

Patiala College of Education, Vill Hardaspur (Patiala)

Advertisement on 13 June 2015

Patiala College of Education, Vill Hardaspur (Patiala)

Advertisement on 13 June 2015

DAV Public School Badshapur 147102, Teh. Patran, Distt. Patiala

Advertisement on 13 june 2015

DAV Public School Badshahpur,147102, Teh. Patran. Distt. Patiala

Advertisement on 13 June 2015

DAV Public School Badshahpur,147102, Teh. Patran. Distt. Patiala

Advertisement on 13-June-2015

DAV Public School Badshahpur,147102, Teh. Patran. Distt. Patiala

Advertisement on 13 June 2015

Scholar's Pride Sen. Sec. School, Dhuri

Advertisement on 13 June 2015

Friday, 12 June 2015

YTB Institute , Patiala

Wanted a Female faculty for English Grammar and Spoken English.
Freshers welcome # YTB institute, SCO-11, 1st floor, opposite cafe Coffee day, Bhupindra road, Patiala. 147001.
Contact 98148-10266, 92176-33001.
Email :
Advertisement on 13 June 2015.

Mother's Pride Public School, Cheeka (Kaithal)

Mother's Pride Public School, Cheeka (Kaithal) , 30 km from Patiala English Medium (CBSE)
 required Teachers for all subjects P.Way to 10+2 (all Stream).
Contact 086074-35651 or mail  
Advertisement on 13 June 2015

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Tips to master spoken English

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

akal academies

Akal Academies.

Teachers required for Akal Academies, for
Maths and
around Patiala/ Fatehgarh Sahib/ Sangrur / Ambala. Transport Facility available. Freshers and non B.Ed. candidates may also apply.
Fluency in English is must.
Eligibility: Graduation is any stream. Salary: 7000 to 15000. Walk in interview & test : Akal Dhudial Academy, Old Bishan Nagar, Street No. 4, Near Shiv mandir, Patiala on 13-06-2015, 9 a.m 12 P.m   98720-18459, 0175-2370141

R.K.S. International Public School, Janer-Moga

R.K.S.International Public School, Janer-Moga (Pb.) CBSE affiliated School. Requires
 Kinder Garten,
TGT- English, S.St and Art and Craft teachers.
Handsome salary. Send your CV on our Email ID at: or Contact Phone 75086-03000

Vidya Sagar College of Management and Technology, Fatehpur, Patiala

Required Principal , Asstt. Prof in B.Sc Agriculture, M.Lib, B.Lib, D.Lib., eligibility as per Punjabi University norms. Candidates can apply within 15 days on .Address : Vidya Sagar College of management and Technology. Fatehpur, Patiala. 98141-61700, 9855839750. Advertisement on 10 june 2015

SBSSJC Akal Academy Tallewal, Barnala

SBSSJC AKAL Academy Tallewal (Barnala), CBSE School requires :
1. PGT :- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English, Economics, Accountancy, Business Study (Fluent in English.)
2. TGT :- Maths & Science.
3.  DPE, PTI, Clerk & Receptionist.

Hostel facility for outstation candidates, Transport facility available upto Barnala and near areas. Salary no bar for deserving candidates. For Post . No. 3 Ex Army persons will be preferred . Apply within 15 days. Email:- atallewal@ymail;com 01679-227639, 9815329984. Advertisement on 10 june 2015.

Samsung Secret Codes

  1. To show IMEI Number *#06#
  2. To enter General test mode: *#0*#
  3. To show Phone Utility: *#7284#
  4. To self test each component of your phone.: *#7353#
  5. To enable disable long press shutdown: *#7594#
  6. To do Audio, packet, loopback test: *#0283#
  7. To do Real Time Clock Test: *#0782#
  8. To do Vibration test: *#0842#
  9. To show WLAN MAC address and PS mode: *#232338#To reset total call time: *#22558463#
  10. To Show  HW Version *#2222#
  11. To Show Camera Firmware settings *#34971539#
  12. To Show Sysdump, log files: *#9900#
  13. To Show  Battery Diagnostics: *#0228#
  14. To Show Function testing: *#7353#
  15. To Show  Service Mode Menu: *#197328640# or *#0011#
  16. To Show  Camera Firmware Menu: *#34971539#
  17. To unlock PUK code (Execute from Emergency dial screen): **05***#
  18. To View Software, PDA, CSC, MODEM Versions: *#1234#
  19. To enter ServiceMode: *#0011#
  20. To show Battery status: *#0228#
  21. To show Touchscreen firmware version: *#2663#

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Yadvindra Public School, Patiala

Advertisement on 6-june-2015

D.N. Model Senior Sec. School, Moga

Advertisement on 06-june-2015

Akal Degree College for Women, Sangrur

Advertisement on 06-june-2015

Akal Academies

Teachers required for Akal Academies, for English, Maths and Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), around Moga Distt. (Kaleke, Puranewala, Bakarwal, Jhandiana, Rattian, Manawan). Fluency in English is must. Eligibility: Graduation , Post Graduation, Salary : 7000, to 15000, Walk in Interviews : Akal Academy, Jandiali, Via Kohara (Ludhiana-Chandigarh Road), Tehsil & Distt. Ludhiana on 10.06.2015 (Wednesday). 9803539708.

BBSB Public School

A very dynamic experienced & motivated Principal required by BBSB Public School (CBSE Affiliated) Dhariwal (Gurdaspur), Qualification, Teaching & Administrative experience as per CBSE norms. Proficiency in English must. Handsome salary. Apply in hand to Chairman or mail by 09.06.2015. Chairman 9814198234. Email :


Patiala- Required experienced Officer Manager/Counsellor for world's largest immigration company. Contact 98143-20010. Advertisement on 06-june-2015

Vidya Sagar College For Girls, Dhuri

Mother Teacher School, Barnala

Mother Teacher School, Barnala (Pb.) (CBSE affiliated)
PGTs & TGTs in English, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, M.A. (Fine Arts) with specialisation in Painting. Minimum 3 years of experience is required.
 Mail your resume at or visit the School for Interview till 10th June 2015. 
 For more information contact Principal 99885-05182.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Sohrab Public School, Malerkotla

Advertisement on 04-june-2015

Career Academy School, Patiala

Career Academy School Aff. to CBSE Bhadson Road. Patiala requires-
TGT :- English, Science , S.S (History), music.
PTI Aplly within a week time 10 am - 1 pm. Advertisement on 04- june - 2015

Mother Teacher School, Barnala

Mother Teacher School, Barnala (Pb.) (CBSE affiliated), requires PGTs & TGTs in English, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, M.A. (Fine Arts) with specialisation in Painting. Minimum 3 years of experience is required. Mail your resume at or visit the School for interview till 10th June 2015. For more information contact Principal 99885-05182.


A fast growing Pharma Company requires M.R and ASM (Field Executive) in all District in Punjab. Good Salary and package. Contact : 97802-47733, Advertisement on 05-Jun-2015

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

PIET , Patiala

Advertisement on 03 - june - 2015

M and M Public School (Senior Secondary Village Nagri (Patiala- Sunam Highway) Sangrur, Punjab)

Advertisement on 03 - june - 2015

Spps Convent School Begowal

Advertisement on 03 june 2015