

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Famouse Logos and Their Hidden Meanings

The three ellipses seen in the logo for Toyota represent three hearts, the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of progress in the field of technology.

Yes, the "M" for McDonald's and there really isn't another meaning. In the 60's, McDonald's wanted to change the logo but their design consultant and psychologist Louis Cheskin insisted that they left the golden arches. According to BBC, he said customers will unconsciously recognize the logo as "symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts". Whether this is true or not, their logo is one of the most recognizable in the world.

The importance of this logo is in its colors. The red is said to represent strength and the blue represents faithfulness and security that the company provides.

Pepsi's old logo is the one on the left. The new logo on the right cost Pepsi $1 million. They hired Arnell Associates to come up with it . As a result, Pepsi had to Spend millions more to rebrand everything. Then Arnell's 27 page document was leaked and it was entitled, "Breathtaking Design Strategy." It proposes that the new logo is some sort of Da Vinci Code. The logo draws on Feng Shui, the Renaissance, the Earth's Geodynamo, the theory of relativity, and much more.

BMW has a history in aviation and its logo stays true to its roots. The blue and white represent a propeller in motion with the sky peeking through. In fact, BMW had a role in World War 2 as a creator of aircraft engines for the German military.

The Apple logo represents the forbidden fruit from the "Tree of knowledge" in the Biblic creation story of Adam and Eve.

This logo is so creative. If you look closely you will see the arrow between the Letter 'E' and 'X', which represents the company's forward thinking ways and outlook towards the future.

The Mercedes-Benz logo is the most confident of all. The tri-star represents the company's  dominance in quality and style over all things land, sea and air.

The Google logo has four primary colors in a row then it's broken by a secondary color. This was entirely intentional. Google wanted to show that they don't play by the rules and are also playful without making the symbol bulky. To do that, they just used simple letters and colors.

The Adidas logo looks like a mountain to represent the obstacles that people need to overcome. Originally the logo was just three stripes and didn't stand for anything. So they kept the three stripes and just made them slanted to resemble a mountain.

Ever wonder why the peacock has so many colors? It's because during the 50's, NBC's owner was RCA and they had just begun to manufacture color televisions. RCA wanted people who were watching black and white televisions to know what they were missing, So they created a colorful logo.

Plain and simple, right? Well, no. Each of these-hoops represent the 4 founding companies of the Auto- Union Consortium way back in 1932. Like DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.

IBM's logo has a hidden message for the whole world. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality.

You may have thought the arrow looks like a smiley face, meaning Amazon's main Mission is to make their customers happy. But notice the arrow is pointing from the A to Z.


Wanted Principal for CBSE affiliated School in the rural sector near Patiala, minimum post Graduate, B.Ed. with teaching and administrative experience in a recognised school. Salary and perks negotiable. Apply at Advertisement on 01- April- 2015

Apollo Public Sr. Sec. School

Apollo Public Sr. Sec. School (CBSE Affiliated) Urban Estate Phase-1, Patiala.
 NTT kindergarten Teachers having 3-4 yrs. Experience of reputed schools. Candidates should have good personality & urge to work. Fluency in English must. Salary no bar for deserving candidates. Send resume: Walk in Interview from 10.00 am to 2.00 p.m on working day at school premises. Contact 088726-88845, 098887-11980 advertisement on 1 april 2015

Shri Usha Mata Public School

Shri Usha Mata Public School (A Senior Secondary, CBSE Affiliated) Dulladi Gate, Nabha, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Email:- 9757270572,8288002166.
Urgetntly required qualified & experienced TGT English & Pre-Mrimary Teachers. Deep knowledge of concern subject and fluency in spoken English. Salary Rs. 10000 or as per merit of candidates. Walk in interview on 03.April-2015 at 2.00 pm at school campus. 

Tagore Internation School

Teacher required, Vice Principal , Pre- Primary Teachers (Nursery to UKG),
Interview 6th April 2015. Tagore International School (Akbarpur) Devigarh Pehowa on Road. 82210-04545, 0175-2642042.

Monday, 30 March 2015

An English Medium CBSE School

An English Medium CBSE Affiliated School, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.), requires-
PGT :- Math, Physics, English, Phy. Education, Chem. , Bio., Activity Teacher & South Indian Staff. TGT Drawing, English, Salary according to CBSE norms.  090233-37777.
Email :-

Sunday, 29 March 2015

St. Mary's School,Patiala

St. Mary's School (Senior Secondary), Sanaur, Patiala, wanted full time and part time Teachers for English, Mathematics, Biology, Computer, Science , S.St., Punjabi, Art and Craft, K.G and P.T. Salary negotiable. Contact 2651644, 2651088, 98034-29313, Email:
advertisement on 28 march 2015.

Alpine Public School, Patiala

Alpine Public School , Patiala Road, Bhadson urgently require female TGT English/S.St. Combination, Music Conveyance from Patiala. 94634-23927 . Advertisement on 28 march 2015


Podar International School an Institution with over 88 Years of experience in education & having 78 schools across india.

TGT Teachers :- English, Science & Social Studies.

Primary Teachers (All Subjects)

PRE - Primary Teachers.

Also Require :- Librarian , PTI, Art & Craft, Music & Nurse.

Walk in interviews On 30 th March 2015 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. At Podar International School, village Pasiana, Sangrur Road, Tehsil and District- Patiala, Punjab 
Contact -872706686

Candidates who miss the walk in opportunity may send their update resume at

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Public School , Samana

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Public School (An English Medium, Co-Educational Day-Boarding School) Affiliated to P.S.E.B , Mohali, Code No. P-9318, Samana-Patiala Road, Fatehpur (Pb.) 
Required urgently experienced teacher for Science, English, Maths, Economics, Comp. and DP(Male/Female both.) Interview will be held  on 5th April 2015 at 10.00 am to 1.30 pm in school complex. Kindly bring original certificates and testimonials. Handsome salary, Free transport from Samana & Patiala . M- 73076-52027, 73070-14092, 84373-71888 (Principle)

Friday, 27 March 2015



PGT- Chem, Phy, Bio
Art & Craft Teacher
Music Teacher(Classical/Western)
Clerk cum Accountant


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Word web Dictionary

WordWeb is a one-click English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows that can look up words in almost any program. It works off-line, but can also look up words in web references such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Features of the free version include.

 Definitions and synonyms                150 000 root words
 Related words                                   120 000 synonym sets
5000 audio pronunciations                 Look up words in almost any
65000 text pronunciations                  Program.


Famous Geeks

                                                                  GABE NEWELL

Abilities:- Gaming evangelist
XP Points:- 52 year old, played Super Mario and Doom on Burroughs Mainframe (Geek cred)
Achievement Unlocked:- "Microsoft Millionaire". PC gaming lord and saviour.
Quote:'C' man, people, you can't show the player a really big bomb and not let them blow it up.

If you have been getting whooped on any MMORPG on Steam by Rabscuttle feel honoured. You have just been killed by one of the most revered and definitely most innovative persons on the gaming scene. Gabe Logan Newell is the co-creator and managing director of Valve Corporation, the company that brought us titles like Half Life and Portal. He also handles the online distribution side of the business-Yes-Steam. After winning it big with his software producing gig for Microsoft, he began his personal quest to change gaming in 1996. Gabe is more than just gaming management but a majority owner of the Valve Corporation and its decisions reverberate with his personality and philosophy. The industry renowned troll ninja of the forums, Gabe is the father of what is sure to become the future of gaming-Steam Machine. Having revolutionised the online distribution and revenue model with Steam since its initial release in 2003, Gabe is now intent on making Linux the backbone of gaming and the Steam Machine endeavour. He can also be found hitting it old school on YouTube with "Stop a Gaben" remix video.

                                                                  ELON MUSK

Abilities:- Visionary, Inventor,
XP Points: 43 Year old, midwifed eBooks industry.
Achievement Unlocked:- Electric Cars, Paypal, Space Travel, Reminded everyone how cool Tesla is
Quote:- I have said I want to die on Mars. Just not on impact.

As a boy he taught himself programming and coded a game for sale at the age of 12. After selling his software company Zip2 to Compaq (HP) in 1999 for 22 million dollars, he started his next venture PayPal almost immediately. Within three years he had sold it to eBay for USD 1.5 billion, of which his personal share was 165 million dollars. He was 31, just getting warmed up. He's moved beyond software now and after a youth littered with degrees in Economics and Physics (Wharton School) with some dabbling around in the Applied Physics department at Stanford (PhD dropout), it seems only natural that Musk now does what he was meant to do solve the energy crisis, improve the environment and conquer space. Or at least make space within reach of citizens, not only governments. With projects like Tesla Motors and Hyperloop to his credit, why can't we please throw a few Nobel Prizes at him already ?

                                                                   JEFF BEZOS

Abilities:- Entrepreneur, Innovator, Space Geek
XP Points: 51 year old
Achievement Unlocked:- Amazon, Space Travel, Tried dismanting his crib as a baby
Quote:- What's dangerous is not to envolve.

Jeff Bezos is part of the select few people in history who make paradigm shifting changes. He hasn't done this through science and technology alone, but by understanding what people want. And then giving it to them. And instead of opting for baser items like fast food and risque entertainment he gave them an easy access to books in the digital world. His idea for an online book store in the early nineties gave birth to, the world's largest online store for books. Since his initial ideation on a cross country drive across America, Bezos has made Amazon not just a place for digital purchases but evolved the way books are owned and experienced through the creation of the Amazon Kindle. After having irrevocably changed the way people shop, read and experience the digital life, Bezos has set his sights even higher to the starts.With a youth spent in school and college groups about space exploration and development, Jeff Bezos started Blue Origin with the intention of making it possible for "anybody to go to space".cool

                                                                JOHN CARMACK

Abilities:- Game design, rocket development, VR futurist
XP Points: 42 year old, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom Quake,
Achievement Unlocked:- Open source advocate.
Quote:- It's done, when it's done

If you owned a computer in the 1990s, it's very likely you have John Carmack to thank for doing more than just doodling in MS Paint. One of the earliest pioneers of core game development, and a co-founder of id software, he's been responsible for creating games such as Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake and Commander keen. His work to push 3D graphics and improving the gaming experience have brought him to now helm the position of Chief Technology Officer at Oculus VR. His work to further innovation through sharing and open source software development has led to contribution in Linux based gaming and the broader use of his work in other games like Half Life and Call of Duty. And like all geeks has taken steps towards making space travel fun again with the creation of Armadillo Aerospace. Now, with the innovations in virtual reality technology like the Oculus Rift, It's only a matter of time before we see the second wave of Carmack's genius.

                                                                  SATYA NADELLA

Abilities:- Cloud Computing expert, R & D leader
XP Points: 22 years at Microsoft.
Achievement Unlocked:- First Indian CEO of Microsoft, Introduced cricket to everyone at Microsoft.
Quote:- I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things.

An Indian is the new Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. But the mysterious Satya Nadella is more than a nationality now, a symbol of ambition and success for many Indians. No Longer will Indian parents have to taunt their kids with statement like "Don't you want to grow up to be like Bill Gates" and instead maybe invoke Satya Nadella. The engineer-of-Hyderbadi origin from Manipal Institute of Technology (the Other MIT), went to America for a Masters in Computer Science and went on to take up an MBA from Chicago's Booth School of Business. A long term verteran of Microsoft, the 46 year old joined the company in 1992 in the enterprise side of operations. He went on to not only become the executive vice president of the Cloud and Enterprise group in the company but also pioneered its advanced technologies in digital rights management and interactive television, further boosting Microsoft's growth in the high margin world  of business solution as well as consumer centric operations. As he takes the helm of one of the largest technology company, the whole world's eyes will be watching his every move.

                                                                  MARK ZUCKERBERG

Abilities:- Speaks Greek, Frencing (Origin of poking?), Making friends.
XP Points: 30 years old
Achievement Unlocked:- Medal of Fear winner
Quote:- "The biggest risk is not taking any risk"

Did you know Facebook's colour is blue because Mark Zukerberg is colour blind and can only see blue clearly ? with books, new articles, business schools and even Hollywood script writers taking inspiration from the life and works of Zuckerberg, he's the anonymouse friend-someone everyone is connected to but doesn't really know. Whether its on your computer or on our cell phone, the chances are that you've come across Zuckerberg's creation if not been a part of it. An innovation that created a whole new vocabulary for the world - friending, unfriending, poking and newsfeed have all found their way into interpersonal. Communication while at the same time changing the nature of interpersonal relationships. He has been a divisive figure in the world of technology, on one hand demostrating true start up success with ruthless business skills and on the other hand an over-whelming supporter of education and social welfare. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the true innovators of this generation- the only thing that is left to wonder about him is what will he do next.

                                                                  MARISSA MAYER

Abilities:- Artificial Intelligence development,
XP Points: 39 year old
Achievement Unlocked:- First female engineer at Google.
Quote:- Geeks are people who love something so much that all the details matter.

Ranked as one of the most powerful women in male infested world of Silicon Valley technology firms, Marissa Mayer has a pedigree that most professional would envy. She began her journey into engineering with excellence in the field of artificial intelligence throughout her academic career in Symbolic Systems and computer Sciences at Stanford. Debuting her career at Google as the 20th employee and first female engineer, in her 13 years with the company she has worked on wide range of them including Google Search, Images, Books, Toolbar and finally ending her tenure there as the Vice President of Local , Maps, and Location Services. So when she was hired as the CEO of yahoo it was only natural that she would shake things up and she has, by overhauling Flickr, the company's file sharing service and acquiring Tumblr. And even as she continues to face criticism from many corners of the business world there is no doubt that her contributions at yahoo are any less significant. Her focus on rebuilding yahoo back to its former glory has already shown results with the stock price doubling over a  year after her appointment.

                                                                   NEERAJ ARORA

Abilities:- Proffessional networker guru, Startup angel
XP Points: 36 Year old,
Achievement Unlocked:- New tech role model, Made WhatsApp
Quote:- I m generally a good guy

The newest kid on the block, Neeraj Arora is an Unknown. So new that he doesn't even have a Wikipedia page yet. But that's no big loss since you can find him on Google Scholar as a patent holder of "Methods and systems for email attachement distribution and management and second for an email intergrated file delivery" Not to mention that since he's bound to move on to greater and bigger challenges. Technically designated as the Vice President of Business Development for Whatsapp, Arora  is not just another IIT graduate making it big in Silicon Valley. Witha  degree in engineering from the premier institiute and a MBA to boot, his career was set with a job in Corporate Development for Google before he decided to risk it all in an Unknown startup in 2011. That startup is now known and beloved by over 450 milliion people as the ever popular WhatsApp messaging app. And Neeraj Arora is now a household name.

Akal Academies.

Teacahers required for Akal Academies, for English, Maths and Science around Patiala, Phagwara, Nawanshahr, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Ropar and For all Districts of Punjab, Fluency in English is must.
Eligibility:- Graduation, Salary : 10,000 to 15,000.
Walk in interview & Test:
H.R.Department, Akal Dhudial Academy, Old Bhishan nagar, Street No. 4, near shiv Mandir, Patiala on 28.03.2015, 9 am -11.30, 85284-89406, 01765-2370141.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Teacher Require in Patiala

Wanted Teacher in Patiala for Math, reasoning. G.K. (Banks Exams), salary 8500/ contact :- 98142-05758, 99148-15758 . Advertisement on 25 march 2015

Sant Isher Singh Ji Gurmat Academy

Sant Isher Singh Ji Gurmat Academy, Chappar, Bahadurgarh, Patiala, near Village Seal requires Teachers for
English:- MA, B.ED.,
Math & Science:- M.Sc./B.Sc., B.Ed.,
S.St:- MA, B.Ed. (English Medium)
Computer:- M.Sc. , IT/MCA,
Sports :- B.P.Ed./M.P.Ed.,
Teachers for Junior Classes: BA, B.Ed.
Free bus facility from Patiala. Salary negotiable . Interview on 29.3.15 (Sunday) in school campus at 9.00 am. Contact No.: 98148-15396. 87290-02415

Apollo Public Sr. Sec. School , Patiala

Apollo public Sr. Sec. School (CBSE Affiliated) Urban Estate, Phase 1, Patiala. requires teaching staff in following categories:
PGT:- Geography.
PRT:-  English Science, Social Science, maths, Music (Vocal/Instrument) Dance (Classical/Western) M.PEd. (Female), NTT kindergarten Teachers, hostel Warden, Residentail Teachers having 3-4 yrs. Experience of reputed schools. Candidates should have good personality & urge to work. Fluency in English must. Salary no bar for deserving candidates, Send resume at Interview on 29th March 2015 (Sunday) at 9.00 am. Contact 088726-88845, 098887-11980

E-Smart Classes Definition

E-Smart Classes Definiton:

A Smart Classroom is a traditional lecture style teaching space that has available technological equipment that can be used to aid and enhance instruction of a course. Classrooms are categorized based on the equipment avilable:

* Advanced Smart Technology:- Features a smart podium with a touch control
   system, PC and Laptop connection, Document camera, DVD/VCR player, Projector,
   and screen.
* Intermediate Smart Technology:- Features a smart podium with a control panel,
   PC and laptop connection, projector, and screen. May also have an overheard
   transparency projector.
* Basic Technology:- Includes a laptop connection, projector, DVD/VCR player, and
   screen. May also have an overhead transparency projector.

Visit link :

Monday, 23 March 2015

Download Accelerator Plus

DAP is consumer application that accelerates your downloads using SPEED bit's patented multi-channel technology. While you download , DAP ensures your computer is using maximum bandwidth by downloading from parallel mirror sites.

Main Features:
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  * Watch previews of videos as they download.


Free Download Manager

It is a powerful, easy to use and absolutely free download accelerator and manager. Moreover, FDM is 100% safte, open-source software distributed under GPL license. Now FDM is also offering the world's biggest Free Downloads library with a great number of software, ranging from the best security tools to the most popular web browser.

* Increase your download speed and resume broken downloads.
* HTTP/FTP/Bit Torrent support
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* GNU General Public License.

Akal Academies

Teacher required for Akal Academies, for English, Maths and Science around Tarn Taran/ phagwara/ Nawanshahr/ Hoshiarpur/ Kapurthala/ Ropar and for all districts of punjab. Fluency in English is must. Eligibility:- Graduatin, salary 10,000 to 15,000. Walk in interview: Gurudwara Baha Bidhi Chand Ji, Bhath Sahib, Patti, Distt. Tarn Taran on 26.03.2015, 10 am 2 pm, 9780137574, 98557-06101.

Yadavindra Public School, Patiala-147001

Yadavindra public school, Patiala-147001, Invites applications from qualified coaches with experience into State level coaching in Cricket, Hocky, Football, Basketball and Gymnastic with in 15 days from 24-March-2015.   Contact. , 2217631

Computer Teacher for Computer Centre

Required Computer Teacher for Computer Centre on Sirhind Road, Patiala (Female Only)
9023305611,97815-08677 . advertisment on 23-03-2015

Sunday, 22 March 2015

The Milestone Smart School , Patiala

The Mirlestone Smart School (Affiliated to ICSE) DLF Colony, Sirhind Road, Patiala. Ph. 0175-3209797, 2359797, requires English Speaking, experienced qualified staff.
Kindergarten Teacher-2,
TGT - Science (Postgraduate with B.Sc. (Med.)) B.Ed.-1,
PRT- English (MA English B.Ed.) -1, TGT - English (MA English, B.Ed.)-1,
TGT- Hindi (MA, B.Ed)-1

Attend Interview on 26  March 2015 at 3 Pm. 

Saturday, 21 March 2015

GB Internation School, Nabha

GB International School, Nabha required full time Coordinator (Academics), experienced PGTs in English, Biology, TGT Science, PRTs in Hindi, Punjabi, Music Teacher in Local/Instrument Art & Craft Teacher and Librarian. Appear for walk in interview with origianl certificates and photograph on 22 Mar, 2015 (Sunday) at 10.30 am. In school Premises. Contact 081959-59898. Email.

DAV Public Senior Secondary School, Rajpura

DAV Public Senior Secondary School, Rajpura (PB)-140401
(Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi) 01762-220629, 01762-224748.
Invites applications from experienced, trained
TGT in the subject of English, Maths, Science & Social Science.
 PRT in all subject. PTI (Female), Computer Teacher, Computer Operator for office. Music Art & Craft Teacher, Peon, Chowkidar, Security Guard also required. Apply within one week with hand written application and biodata from today (21-03-2015). No. TA/DA is admissible Manager.

Scholar Fields Public School, Sirhind Road, Patiala

Scholar Fields Public School, Sirhind Road, Patiala affiliated to CBSE, requires regular PGT Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, Art and Craft, Dance , Computer, Music, NTT and experienced Coordinator having excellent communication in English, salary commensurate to qualifications and experience. Walk-in Interview 22  and 23 March at 10 am. Apply 84270-01729

Lucky Public School, Near Shahi Smadhan, Patiala.

Lucky Public School, Near Shahi Smadhan, Patiala,
Wanted Teachers for Science. Math, English, SS & Computer to teach High classes,
one Driver. Salary negotiable. Apply ( Princiapl/ contact 94649-74734
advertisement on 21-03-2015

Ielts, Grammer

Required Faculty for Ielts, Grammar, Concellor at Urban Estate, Patiala.
98151-51166, advertisement on 21-03-2015

British Public Academy, (Dakala) Patiala

British Public Academy, affiliated, Merdanheri (Dakala) Patiala,
Wanted Dedicated Nursery Trained Teachers. Science. English.
 Salary 8,000/- Contact :- 94635-00727 advertisement on 21-03-2015

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Adarsh Professional College, Patiala

Adarsh Professional College, Patiala invites applications for the post of Principal, Professors & supporting staff for commerce & Fashion Technology Department at within 7 days from 20-march-2015. Salary no bar. Contact No. 98140-99391, 88720-14612.

Premier Public School , Samana-Patiala

Premier Public School CBSE affiliated Samana-Patiala Road near Toll Barrier invites PGT in Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Economics , English, PRT, NTT, Music, Librarian for walk in interview on 22 March, 2015 10 am to 2 pm in school premises. Salary no constraint for deserving candidate. Contact No. 88720-14604, 88720-14601.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Akal Academy

Teachers required for Akal Academies, for English, Maths and Science for Akal Academy Rampur Narotampur, Dhariwal Beit, Sehro Bagha and for all Districts of Punjab, Fluency in English is must. Eligibility: Graduation, Salary : 10,000 to 15,000. Walk in interview: Akal Academy Rampur Narotampur, Tehsil-khadoor Sahib, Distt. Taran Taran on 21.03.2015, 10 am -2 p.m. Principal., 92572-13880, 82838-83247.

Akal Dhudial Academy, Patiala

Part Time Master Trainer required for English at Teacher Training Centre, Patiala (Akal Dhudial Academy). Fluency in English is must. Eligibility: Post-Graduation, Salary: Rs. 20,000, job timings to 2.00 pm walk in interview & test : H.R. Department Akal Dhudial Academy, Old Bishan Nagar, St. No.4, Near Shiv Mandir, Patiala on 21.03.2015, 10 a.m., 85284-89406, 0175-2370141.

Winamp 5.666 Full Build 3516

Winamp is a skinnable, multi-format player.

Winamp supports a wide variety of contemporary and specialized music file formats, including MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 audio layers 1 and 2, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, OGG Vorbis, and Windows Media Audio. It supports gapless playback for MP3 and AAC and Replay Gain for volume leveling across tracks. In addition, Winamp can play and import music from audio CDs, optinally with CD-Text, and can also burn music to CDs. Winamp supports playback of Windows Media Video and Nullsoft Streaming Video, as well as most of the video formats supported by Windows Media Player 5.1 Surround sound is supported where formats and decoders allows.


New app Invented by 10th class student.

Source by :-

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Sarvhitkari Vidya Mandir, Dhuri Road, Malerkotla(PB)

Sarvhitkari Vidya Mandir (A Sen. Sec. School Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi) DHURI ROAD, MALERKOTRLA (PB) E-Mail-

PGT Chemistry:- M.Sc(Chem.), B.Ed (20,000/-)
Coaches :- NIS or equivalent (15000)
                  Judo Karate, Athletics,
                  Badminton, Tanis, Chess
Child Psychologist :- MA/M.Sc (Psychology)(15000)
PRO/Administrator:- MBA(HRD/Finance)(15000-20000)
TGT English, Physical Education:- MA (English)B.Ed, M.P.ed, D.P.Ed (12000)

Preferred Experienced, soft spoken and fluency in English. Salary No Bar for Excellent teachers send your Biodata alongwith attested certificates interview Sunday at . 10.30 am on 22nd March 2015.

Mata Gujri Sr.Sec, School, Devigarh, Patiala,

Mata Gujri Sr.Sec, School, Devigarh, Patiala, CBSE Affiliated, Day-cum-Boarding requires
PGT:- English, Maths, Chemistry, Geography, Punjabi.
TGT:- English, Science, S.St., Hindi, Punjabi.
PRT:- English, Science, S.St., and
                               Female Receptionist, Male Hostel Warden.

Free Transport from Patiala. Candidate must be eperienced and fluent in English. Interview on 20.03.15 at 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. Email: Contact:- 94178-73648, 97815-16070.


Police/Army Training .

Reach me


WinRAR is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z , z archivves. It consistently makes smaller archives than the completition, saving disk space and transmission costs.

WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.

Download 32 bit
Download 64 bit

Window 10 Technical Preview

Window 10 Technical Preview:

Well Microsoft has just announced that they have released an early Technical Preview of Windows 10. This sounds awesome. Because I always loved the moment when new Os release comes from Microsoft. People were expecting Windows 9 after the previous 8.1 but it was quite surprising that Microsoft skipped 9 and released Window 10


Download 32 bit
Download 64 bit

Monday, 16 March 2015

The Paradise International Senior Secondary School (Patiala-Patran Road,Ghagga)

The Paradise International Senior Secondary School (Patiala-Patran Road, Ghagga) Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, Requires:
(1). Coordinators for Junior and Middle Sections.
(2) PGTs: Maths, History, Commerce, Chemistry, Geography.
(3). TGTs: Hindi, S.St., Maths, Science (Non-Medical).
(4) PRTs: English, Maths, Science.
(5) Dance, Drawing Teacher.
(6) Librarian.

Candiates having good academic record and excellent fluency in English may attend the interview on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 297, Mandir Street, Anand Nagar-A, Patiala, at 4:00 Pm. School's own free conveyance available from Patiala . Dr. Parminder Kaur (098558-04945)

Connect a Laptop or Desktop Computer to a TV Easily

Suppose you wish to watch a movie or share a slide-show of pictures with your family on your PC but have a screen that leaves much to be desired. In such a situation, you can connect your computer to a television screen to allow your entire family to enjoy comfortably.

There are many ways in which you can connect your laptop/computer to a television. However , the overall video quality will be different for different methods. You can choose which one to use based on the quality or the availability of hardware. The First step is to know what type of ports and connections your TV and computer have. If you already know the type of ports and connections available on your hardware, you can directly jump to step 2. if not, then the different types of ports are explained in detail below.

RCA/Compsite:- The oldest and the lowest quality connection available. They are Yellow, Red and white connections most of us are a familiar with. Yellow is used for composite video, white for left analog audio and red for right analog audio.

S-Video:- S-Video or Super Video offers slightly better quality than composite connections. As it is one of the oldest type of connections available, most televisions and computers have it. There are two types of S-Video ports, one containing 4 pins and the other containing 7 pins. This type of connection is used only for video. So you will need to connect an audio cable from your computer's headphone jack to the red and white audio inputs on your TV if you want audio to work.

VGA(Video Graphic Array):- Most computers and televisions have a VGA port. It offers much better quality than S-Video and should be preferred if you have a HDTV. Older CRT TVs however, will not have a VGA port and will require a PC to Television converter. Just like S-Video, VGA also does not support audio and will require  an addition audio cable.

DVI:- Digital Video Interface offers much better quality than VGA connections. Most laptop computers an TVs will have these connections. Just as the name suggest, this type of connectioncan be used only with digital TVs. Also like the previous two, DVI Connection also require the use of an audio cable for audio to work.

HDMI:- The highest quality connection available. Most HD TVs will have this connection, however, chances are that your computer would not. If your computer happens to have a HDMI connect port, this should be preferably used. If your computer doesn't you can use an HDMI to DVI adapter to convert HDMI to DVI.

Step 2:- Once a common type of port between the tow devices is recognized, you wil need the right connector cable to physically connect them. The different types of connector cables to physically
connect them. The different types of connector cables are pictured above. If you do not find two matching types of connections ports, you will need an adapter to make the connections type match.

Step 3:- After connection the two devices, on your TV, select the external input with which your TV is connected to the computer. It may be HDMI1 or AV1 depending on how you have made the connection. This is much similar to how you select input from your DVD player.

If you have followed the steps correctly, your TV should now be displaying your Computer's screen.

Important:- If your computer is not recognizing the external display, you must connect the TV before starting your computer. If the picture appears distorted, you will need to change the screen resolution of your TV by altering the display setting from your computer. Most older TVs will support only one display resolution while newer TVs will support plenty of them.

Make Your Computer Welcome You

We often watch movies , it is pleasurable events when action comes with sound or audio. In that trick I m providing audio during welcome in PC or laptop.

With this trick, we can make our computer welcome us in its computerized voice. we can make our windows based computer say "Welcome to your PC, Er. Amandeep Singh".

Make Windows Greet us with a custom voice Message at Startup

Steps are.

1. Open Notepad.
2. Write that code who is below.
      Dim speaks, speech
      speaks = "Welcome to your PC, Er. Amandeep Singh"
      Set speech = CreateObject ("sapi.spvoice")
      Speech.Speak speaks
3. You can replace Er. Amandeep Singh (Name) as your own Name.
4. Save that code with .vbs extention. (welcome.vbs)
5. Copy the saved file (welcome.vbs)
6. (window xp)Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ Startup
7. (window 7 or 8) Navigate to C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
8. Paste the file
9. now when the net time you start your computer, Windows will welcome you in its own computerized voice.

McAffe Antivirus

Proven security that protects against viruses and spyware

* Protects irreplaceable files, such as family photos and personal financial documents.
* Identifies spyware and adware before they can run on your PC.
* Cleans viruses and virus-like threats automatically
* Prevents the spread of viruses to other PCs
* Updates automatically to protect against new threats


Smartphones Sensors

All the voodoo magic that your phoen is capable of carrying out is by using some very smart sensorys and here's how they work.

Ever wondered how your smartphone switches off the screen when you pull it close to your ears to answer a call ? Or how the screen rotates on it's own to re-orient itself in Landscape/portrait mode ? It all comes down to a few discrete sensors hidden away in your phone. Chances are that you'll never see them if you own a black colored phone but with a slew of models now available in white fronts these 'dots' have had the users intrigued. New features like cancelling a call by waving your hand over the phone is facilitated by these little sensors. Read on to know what all sensors your phone might have and how they come into play enabling certain features on your phone.

Function:- The accelerometer reads the acceleration of the device along three axes-X, Y and Z.

Features:- The accelerometer senses any tilt or motion and conveys it to the operating system. So when you tilt your phone or flick your phone it is this sensor which triggers a change in the screen orientation or skips a song in your play-list. These sensors are very sensitive and can measure acceleration up to 1G on a fine scale.

Function:- They use of two different types of photodiodes (or Light sensors) to each record the level of light currently falling on the screen. Each sensor records a different spectrum and by combining the output of these two sensors portable devices such as tablets, smart phones, and laptops can sense a side spectrum of light.

Features:- Accurately measuring the brightness of a room. This information is then used to adjust the screen brightness to make it easier on the user's eyes and also helps to etend battery life. When your smartphone is set to auto-adjust the screen brightness. It is the ALS which tells the phone how bright/dark it is.

Function:- Measures the atmospheric pressure around the smartphone.

Features:- Pressure differences exist between small changes in altitude which is where this sensor helps. It can smartly work along with the GPS sensor to accurately provide you with your altitude information. The function wouldn't work optimally indoors since there are more factors like open/shut windows, air-conditioning which will mess with the pressure reading.

Function:- The compass is simply used to figure out the magnetic north and relay the information.

Features:- Technically called a Magnetometer. The compass detects variation in magnetic field to figure out the direction. Having devices that cause electromagnetic interference can mess with the readings. This is why your compass application demands a calibration each time it is activated. Commonly used with GPS to provide map directions.

Function:- Communicates with GPS satellites to determine position of the phone on the surface of the earth

Features:- The GPS sensor works in unison with the compass and barometer to provide you with your current location. For added accuracy the GPS will also use your WIFI module and GSM antennae to locate the nearest signal antennae. GPS requires that you have as less obstruction between you and the satellites as possible.

Function:- Measures the angular acceleration of your smartphone while the accelerometer measures linear acceleration. bot device are used together to get an accurate depiction of how your phone is oriented and how it came into that orientation from its previous position.

Features:- Racing games use it to allow you to use the device as a steering wheel. Other than that it is primarily used to help with the screen orientation especially when moved slowly in a manner that the accelerometer won't be able to pick up.

Function:- Measures the amount of water vapour in the air.

Features:- This is more of a luxury sensor since the ways that information regarding humidity can be used is limited. It can be used to add an extra layer of detail to your GPS sensor.

Proximity Sensor.
Function:- It detects how close a smartphone is to objects facing the sensor. Ideally it is an InfraRed sensor Module

Features:- It lets the smartphone know whether you have the screen close to your face when taking a call. Subsequently, the smartphone switches off the screen to save battery life. Also with the screen shut down the phone also keeps a lot cooler, especially for calls that last a long time.

Step Counter.
Function:- It measures the number of steps that the smartphone user takes.

Features:- Currently, the accelerometer and gyroscope are used together to figure out how many steps a person has taken over the course of a marathon or a morning jogging session. The step counter is just a specialized implementation which does the same function but consumes less power and is more accurate.

Source :- Digit Magzine

Alt (Ctrl + Alt + Del) Permanently deleted files Recovery Solution

Sometimes we delete the files permanently, and realize that deleting them is like a Blunder.

For all those folks,
Here is the solution.

Software called "Kissass Undelete" , can bring those files from the hard disk or your flah drive.

Condition:- Only if the data on that drive is not re-occupied (or written). That means the space which was available after the deletion is not been occupied after the deletion.

Click here to Download .

1. To start searching for the files, Select the drive from the Left Panel of the Windows and Click the scan button. The scan might take upto 10 Secs.

2. When the files search has been completed, it will show you the results with the name , type, size and the last modified date of the searched file. 

How to Create Folder "CON"

Ever tried to create a folder "CON" or "AUX" or "NUL".

Tried Now ?? - not working :)

Here you go, a simple method to stop your anxiety

Rename folder from the right click option.
Now press alt and press 255
press 255 from the right side of the key boards i.e., Num pad.
Where only numbers are given.
Now write con and the press enter....
You will see a con folder in your PC
and also you can delete it easily. 

Use Keyboard as Mouse

If your mouse is not working and your don't wish to wait till you get a new mouse, you would definitely like to know how you can use your keyboard as mouse. It is easy to use your mouse as keyboard in Windows using the On screen Keyboard utility, but it is also possible to do the reverse.

Window XP users:-

 1. Go to Control Panel.
 2. Then click on Switch to Classic View.
 3. Then click on Accessibility Options.
 4. Then Click on the Mouse Tab.
 5. Select Use MouseKeys.
 6. Click on OK.
 7. Then activate NumberLock (by pressing the NumLK key).
 8. You should hear a beep sound.
 9. Now you can control the mouse pointer using the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.

Window 8 , Window 7 and Vista users.

 1. Open Ease of Access Center by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel,     clicking Ease of Access and then clicking Ease of Access Center.
 2. Click Make the mouse easier to use.
 3. Under Control the mouse with the keyboard, select the Turn on Mouse Keys check    box.

    You can also increase the acceleration and speed of your mouse movements according to your needs.

    You can alternately press the Alt + Shift + Num Lock combination to instantly activate Mouse keys.

For Laptops, this will only work if your keyboard has a numeric keypad or alternate keys which you can enable by pressing the Number Lock or the Function Key.

On my Laptop, number 6 key of the numeric keypad moves the mouse pointer left, number 4 key moves the mouse pointer right, number 2 key moves it down, number 8 key moves the mouse pointer up, number 5 and + key serve as right click while the number 0 key works as left click.

Disable USB Ports on Windows PC via Registry

with this trick, you can disable access to your USB(Universal Serial Bus) ports on your Windows based PC to prevent people from taking out data without permission or spreading viruses through the use of USB (Pen and flash ) drives.

To use this trick to Disable USB ports,

1* Click on Start.
2* Click on Run.
3* Type "regedit" withotu quotes. This will launch the Registry Editor.
4* Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbstor.
5* In the work area, double click on Start.
6* In the Value Data box, enter 4.
7* Click on OK.
8* Close Registry Editor and refresh your desktop.
9* To re-enable access to your USB ports, enter 3 in the Value Data box in Step 6.

Panda Free Antivirus 15.1.0

Panda Free Antivirus (formerly Panda Cloud Antivirus) is a lightweight application that only works where necessary. The application is easy to use with a simple design and UI. Panda Free Antivirus will make the best decisions for you to keep your PC Protected.

Key Features Include:
  * Real-time Antivirus & Antispyware.
  * Behavioural analysis & Antispyware.
  * Process Monitor.
  * URL & web Filtering.

The application is trustworthy and secure. The panda Antivirus Pro application is based on Collective Intelligence, a System that continuously collects and analyses viruses and other threats that are gathered from a large community of millions of panda globally. The free version of panda Antivirus Pro protects you against viruses and malicious websites.


Avast! Free Antivirus 10.2.2214

Avast! Free Antivirus is an efficient and comprehensive antivirus program. It is one of the most popular antivirus programs available, thanks to the reliable and trustworthy brand that Avast have created. The key features that continue to make Avast! Free Antivirus so popular are the easy UI, optimized scanning options and continuosly updated database of virus definitions.


Eset Nod32 Smart Security

ESET NOD32 Smart Security known as NOD32, is made by the Slovak Company ESET. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is sold in two editions, Home Edition and Business Edition.



To create ISO files to burn in Windows, you need a third-party tool like PowerISO. PowerISO boasts single-click ISO extraction, Blu-ray compatibility, and the ability to edit ISO files directly. It also rips and burns audio CDs, compresses files, creates bootable USB drives, and more ..


Sunday, 15 March 2015

TeamViewer 10

TeamViewer is the All-In-One Solution for Remote Access and Support over the Internet.
TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your parner's PC as if you were sitting right in front of it.


  * Control computer remotely via the internet
  * record your session and convert it to AVI
  * Online meetings,
  * Drag & Drop Files,
  * Multi-Monitor support.


C compiler

Turbo C, followed by Turbo C++, was a popular compiler in the late eighties and early nineties. Version C 3.0 with Windows compatibility, was released in 1991. Although other versions followed, Turbo 3.0 was almost universally considered to be the most stable- always an important consideration when programming.


Saturday, 14 March 2015

U torrent

U Torrent

The features which are present in other Bit Torrent clients are here in uTorrent, including scheduling, bandwidth prioritization, RSS auto-downloading and compatibility with BitComnet-Mainline DHT. u Torrent also supports peer exchange and the Protocol Encryption joint specification.


CCleaner 5.03.5128

CCleaner 5.03.5128

Probably the most popular freeware cleaner globally with over 1 billion downloads since its launch in 2003. Piriform's CCleaner is a quick and easy to use program which makes your computer faster, more secure and more reliable. CCleaner removes cookies, temporary files and various other unused data that c logs up your operating system. This frees up valuable hard disk space allowing your system to run faster. Removing this data also protects your anonymity meaning you can browse online more securely. The built in Registry Cleaner fixes errors and broken settings to make your computer more stable. The simple, intuitive UI and rapid but powerful cleaning make CCleaner a favourite amoung novices and techies alike.


Smart Phone Gyaan


There are two factors when talking about displays. One is the kind of display technology used and the other is the kind of touch technology overlaying it. Although there is great hoopla about AMOLED displays in the market right now, a large section of phones still utilise LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology. Within the LCD space the most commonly found are TFT(Thin-film-transistor) displays. TFTs don't have great viewing angles, have poor visibility in direct sunlight and consume relatively more power. The other type is IPS (in-plane switching ) technology found in a few rare phones such as iPhone 4 and Droid X. Apple calls it 'retina' technology, which is merely marketing gimmickry. However IPS dissplays look brilliant (Viewing angles at all) thanks to their crystal molecules being oriented such that their motion is parallel to the panel rather than perpendicular. AMOLED(Active- matrix organic light emitting diode) displays are all the hype lately thanks to Samsung and HTC plonking them in phones such as Omnia 2 and Legend. In these displays organic compounds form the electroluminescent material making them quite vibrant and with great contrast. Super-AMOLEDs (found in Samsung Wave and Galaxy S) take things a step further to improve clarity by placing the touch sensors on the displays itself rather than a separate layer. This makes it wafer thin and improves viewing angles. Speaking of touchscreens there are two types- resistive and capacitive. Resistive, the more primitive technology, works by placing two layers of conductive material close to each other. When a finger or stylus depresses the layer on top, it makes a contact with the other layer forming a circuit at that location. Capacitive is the more advanced technology and is now increasingly being  used. For these screens the glass (an insulator) is coated with a transparent conductor such as indium tin oxide. When a finger touches the screen it breaks the electrostatic field. It's position is then measured relative to the four corners of the screen by the processor.


Smartphone microphones depend on chipset circuitry and processing to clear out the vocal signal. It can be termed as noise suppression or cancellation depending on the technology used. Cutting edge Smartphones (iPhone 4 and Droid X for eg) use two microphones for cancelling out noise. The second one is placed far from the voice mic. It detects the Signature of ambient noise and suppresses it.

Smart phone cameras depend a lot on image processing rather than just the hardware when it comes to image quality. This is because no matter how large the camera resolution gets in Megapixels(MP), but the sensor size remains small you will have bad imaging. The sensor is what converts the optical image into electrical signal. What matters also is the autofocusing capability, shutter speed control etc.


Most smartphones these days come with Li-on (lithium-ion) batteries. In the cell, Lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode producing the current. These are re-chargeable but have a fixed number of life-cycles. The capacity is measured in milliampere-hours (mAh). Phones with 1500 mAh battery rating will usually last long enough.


The processor is the heart or rather the brain of your smartphone, essentially what makes a smartphone smart. It does all the processing involved, be it when you run an application or even calculation to translate the position of your finger on the touch screen. Current high end smartphone processor are clocked at 1GHz. Samsung, Qualcomm and texas Instruments make these processors and are battling it out. Much like the desktop space, which is populated by names like Phenom, Core i and Athlon Processors in the mobile space too at times acquire brand names. Samsung has Humming-bird, and Apple A4 while Qualcomm calls them Snapdragon, Scorpion etc, and Texas Instruments, OMAP. These chips are all based on processor cores from ARM, a company doesn't manufacture chips but rather only designs the cores for such application processors. Some of ARM's designs include older generation cores such as the ARM9, ARM11 and the relatively recent Cortex-A8 and Cortex-A9, Manufacturers make their own chipsets(System on Chip design) often combining a GPU, cellular modem, and GPS on board. The QSD8250 chipset featured here for instance, used the Adreno 200 graphics solution and a Cortex-A8 core, together called Snap-dragon by Qualcomm.


Memory in cellphones functions pretty much the same way it does in a desktop PC. The more the RAM, the more applications you can keep open, the more you can multitask, Low to mid range phones have RAM in the vicinity of 256MB, while high end phones such as the Desire HD have 768MB.

Removable Storage

Removable storage for smartphones comes comes in the form of SD (secure digital) cards. Depending on size there are variants such as MicroSD(Most common) and MiniSD. Phones can only support upto a certain amount of memory, with smarthpones it usually 32GB. There are speed classes in SD cards specified by the SD association. Class 2 for example supports H.264 video recording, MPEG-4, and MPEG-2 video recording.


Smartphones sense their relative position or orientation by way of either an Accelerometer or Gyroscope. Most phones have Acceleometers to help keep track or orientation i.e. if you turn the phone it will ensure change from landscape to portrait and vice versa. This is done by analysing the vector acceleration which is caused as a result of weitght (essentially g-force) experienced by a test mass inside the accelerometer device. Some high end smartphones such as iPhone 4G come with a Gyroscope which is capable of registering movement in a 3D space. So for instance it can detect the motion when you move the phone towards or away from your body. It only has applications in gaming as of now.

source :- Digit Magzine

Format Factory 3.6.0 32 bit Window

Format Factory is a free audio, video and photo converter that supports a large range of formats for encoding and ripping. you can convert either single fiels or entire folders from one format to another. Preset for portable devices make it easy to create audio and video files that can play on your Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPod or Blackberry. Format Factory lets you rip your favorite DVDs and Music CDs to create a copy of your films and songs on your local hard disk or any portable storage drive. If your media files are corrupted, Format Factory can help to repair them. While converting pictuers, Format Factory allows rotation and zoom as well as adding of tags and watermarks. The program also comes with an AV Mux tool.

* Video formats: MPG, WMV, 3GP,FLV,SWF,MP$,AVI,...
* Audio formats:-WAV, WMA,OGG,MP3,AAC,AMR...
* Image formats:-PNG, JPG,TIF,ICO,BMP,GIF,TGA,...


VLC Player For Window 32 bit

VLC Media Player is the most popular and robust multi format, free media player available. The open source media player was publically released in 2001 by non-profit organization VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player quickly became very popular thanks to its versatile multi-format playback capabilities. It was aided by compatibility and codec issues which rendered competitor media players like Quick Time, Windows and Real Media Player useless to many popular video and music file formats. The easy, basic UI and huge array of customization options have enforced VLC Media Player's position at the top of the free media players.

Narain Public School(Affiliated to CBSE) Sanour Road, Patiala

Narain Public School(Affiliated to CBSE) Sanour Road, Patiala   
Qualified and experienced teachers.
PGT:- English, Physical Education, Pujabi & Computer .
TGT:- Hindi & Science
PRT:- All Subjects.
Academic Supervisor (M.Sc., B.Ed)
Fluency in English and excellent communication skills are pre-requisite
                   Handsome Salaray

Attend Interview Between
11 am and 2 pm.
on 16 march 2015 in
school premises.

STEELMANS PUBLIC SCHOOL, Patiala-Sangrur Road, Channo

STEELMANS PUBLIC SCHOOL, Patiala-Sangrur Road, Channo (Affiliated to CBSE) Requires qualified,trained Teachers.
PGT:- Physics, Math, Geography, Economics, English.
TGT:- Science, Computers & NTT Teachers
Others:- Lab Attendant, Librarian, PTI, Music Teacher.

Walk In for Interview on 15-03-2015 between 10 am to 1.30 pm at #183, Ajit Nagar, Patiala, 0175-2218031. Free Transport facility for staff.

Mata Gujri Public School, Kangthali (Kaithal)

Mata Gujri Public School, Kangthali (Kaithal) affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, required PGT: English, Chemistry, Hindi. TGT:- English, Maths. S.St. Music. Phy. Edu. Nursery and KG Teachers Attractive Salary. Free Transport Patiala to school, Interview on 15th March at to 2.00pm in Flyover Hotel, Near Railway Station, Patiala. 098130-60526, 099917-41200,

Sparking Kids The Foundation, Patran

Sparking kids The Foundation, Patran, call walk in interview on 15 March, 2015 for the post of PGT (Geography, Economics, English, Bilogy.) TGT.(English, Sci,(Medical), Art & Craft,Phy.) Instructor specialisation in various games (Part time/Full Time) & PRT: General , Free Conveyance From Patiala, Interview Venue :- I Quest (Near 22 No. Fatak) Patiala, Time 10am to 2 Pm. Contact No. 98728-91523, 98886-88718. Email ID:-

AVG Antivirus 32 bit for window

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield checks web pages for threats at the only time that matters.
AVG Anti-Virus Free has these Features:-
1. Award-winning antivirus and antispyware.
2. Real-time safe internet surfing and searching.
3. Quality proven by 80 million of users.
4. Easy to download, install and use
5. Protection against Viruses and Spyware.
6. Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Window XP.
7. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is only available for single computer use for home and non                     commercial use.
8. This is the 32-bit version. Download

Friday, 13 March 2015

S.D.Sr. Sec. School, Cheeka (Affiliated to CBSE), Application are invited from qualified candidates with fluent communication skills for the following posts. PGT- English, Punjabi, Music Teacher, Receptionist. PRTs Apply within 10 days from 13-3-2015. Contact - 80530-53821, 09417188560 (


                                                     :- PUNJABI TRIBUNE


JAG BANI                              :- JAG BANI E NEWSPAPER


AJIT                                          :- AJIT E NEWSPAPER


Thursday, 12 March 2015

Change Pendrive into Ram

Change your pendrive into Ram

Mobile Performance

If you want to increase your mobile performance, You will have to restart a phone in 24 hours. Actually Behind this process, a simple logic works. It works like refresh. 



S. Hardam SIngh Public School (Affiliated to C.B.S.E) up to 10+2, Jindalpur (Bhadson), Dist. Patiala. 5 Km Bhadson to Sirhind. We are looking for PGTs, TGTs, PRTs, NTTs, Computer Teachers and Trained Spoken English Teacher. Walk in intetrview on 15/03/2015 at 9.30 am at school office.. Conveyance is free from patiala to school.. Contact No. 98767-92967, 98142-60367, Email:-
GCM convent School, Patran, Require PRT/TGT, all subjects. Bus , Drivers, Conductor, Peon, Music, Dance Teachers also. Conveyance from Patiala avaialable. Salary 10,000- 25000., 97812-61999. Interview 22 March 2015, Hotel Flyover, Patiala
Aggarsain International Public School, Samana (147101) ,Main Road, Samana Opp. Model Public School. Dist. patiala. Teacher require for PGT, TGT, PRT, Receptionist, Lab. Assistant. General Staff. Submit your resume by 15/03/15 with one set of photocopy of your testimonials and one photograph.
Tara Convent School (CBSE), Adampal Road, Malerkotla, Distt. Sangrur (Punjab), wanted well-qualified and dedicated staff PGT & TGT with excellent communication and presentation skills for all subjects. Interview will be held on 22nd March, 2015, 10.30 am. at school, campus. Contact 01675-254901, 255901, 94659-22018